The Evil Today
The Idolatry of a Republic
The Idolatry of Democracy
Banking (Usury)
Any Interest is Usury
Parable of the Talents and
Leviticus 25.35-37
Deuteronomy 23.19-20
Rent (Rent for Profit)
The Spirit of Whoredoms
Obsessions with
Big Businesses Based on
Large Land Holdings
Exclusive Prices
and Wage Oppression
Deceit in Business
Unrepentant Hearts
Jesus Christ
If in
reading this literature you find it
difficult to understand or the views
presented seem hard, consider that the
most important thing is born-again
salvation. I don't believe a person
necessarily has to understand all the
wrong a person may have to repent of. If a
person can manage even for just a moment
of time to experience sincere repentance
and looking to Jesus that is enough and
God will save that person. Even if you
don't understand all the wrong that you
have to repent of. Also, if you have wrong
to repent of and you cannot forgive
yourself, who wins? Only the Devil.
Forgive yourself and believe that God
forgives you.
I believe once saved
always saved. If a person has experienced
born again salvation nothing can take that
salvation away. Ultimately, sooner or
later, we will have to get things right.
God will see to that. For just as we in
salvation have God by a promise, even so,
that very salvation is a token of our
sincere repentance and God can and will
hold us to it.
So, if anyone
abuses their salvation, the grace under
which they live, they will still get to
heaven and that is the most important
thing. However, if we abuse that grace we
may not get there so soon as we think or
would like. Just like Paul the apostle
says in I Corinthians Chapter 3, "No
foundation can any man lay that is laid,
which is Jesus Christ. But let every man
be careful how he builds thereupon. For
every man's works shall be tried by fire."
And even if many of our works that we have
built upon our salvation be wrong and be
burned but still we be saved, yet, Paul
says, it will be "as it were by fire."
Sooner or
later God will make his children get
things right. Better to get things right
now than later. Why have to be ashamed
before him? I believe the views presented
in this literature are correct and
important. If I am right good for me. If I
am wrong then I will suffer loss and have
to be ashamed before my God. Let God
judge. And he will.
In the days
before the rise of democracy and republics
royalty and nobility made slaves of their
own people. In God's Old Testament book
enslaving one's own people was a crime,
even punishable by death. According to
that book an Israeli man was not to rule
over another Israeli with rigor. If an
Israeli man sold another Israeli man into
slavery he was to be put to death.
(Deuteronomy 24.7)
Yet, the
established church justified the medieval
system by which elites made slaves of
their own people. And in abusing scripture
verse or verses even in effect making gods
out of kings. If a man didn't obey the
king, right or wrong, that man was guilty
of disobedience to God. Thus making an
idol, a god, out of a king. This teaching
has been called the doctrine of the divine
right of kings.
Based on what I
believe is a fair take of the scriptures I
believe that God's idea of justice this
world-wise is every man their vine and fig
tree (their own land). In the medieval
days the kings, nobility, and established
church saw to it that did not happen. Even
though Jesus said that if we are
unfaithful, untrue, unjust in the things
pertaining to this world who shall commit
unto us the true riches that obviously did
not matter to them.
Today, and for a
long time now, the kings, nobility, and
the authority in the world of an
established church have been supplanted by
other entities. Today, it is the bank-man,
the rent-man, and the pagan priesthood of
pagan idol republic and pagan idol
democracy who have the authority. Through
these practices and mediums men are still
enslaving their own peoples. And if the
consciences of any of these practitioners
of these things are bothering them why
they can go to just about any preacher
they wish and have their consciences
assuaged by convenient
interpretations of scripture. Many
commercial corporations get on board the
conformity bandwagon in order to gloat
over their workers and their millions, if
not billions of dollars while they strive
to continually drive down even lower their
slave wages to them.
If these things
be true (and I believe they are); if
justice is important to God; if every
person shall give account to God for how
they have dealt with the things pertaining
to this life; then there are an awful lot
of people who got a whole lot to be
ashamed for; who have been willfully
ignorant a whole lifetime long.
But no. That
would be too hard. They have a better
answer. All this aforementioned stuff
simply isn't true. But those who
continually stop their ears at the cry of
truth will not God
day pull them up out of their graves to
give them according as they have sown?
Once saved always
saved. But if you abuse that grace it will
be as it were by fire (1 Corinthians
chapter 3).
A fair definition of covetousness is
to want something, to want anything,
more than to want what is right.
In a republic what
must live, that which must survive
above anything else, is not whatever
the right might be in terms of law or
justice, but rather that leaders be
chosen by ballot; nothing more and
nothing less. This subordinating of
whatever the right might be in terms
of law or justice to the idea that
leaders shall be chosen by ballot is
to covet that idea.
according to scripture (Colossians
3.5) is idolatry. That is just what a
republic is--an idol. To worship a
republic, to embrace a republic, to
sanctify it, to justify it, or to vote
in it is idolatry. So much of the
evil today is rooted in and plays upon
that idolatry. It is no small thing.
God's people are commanded to flee
idolatry (1 Corinthians 10.14)
In democracy
what must live,
what must survive
above anything else, is not whatever
the right might be in terms of law or
justice, but rather the will of the
majority; nothing more and nothing
less. To worship democracy, to embrace
it, to sanctify it, or to participate
in it in matters of law or justice, or
rule is to covet
the will of the majority.
Covetousness, according to scripture
(Colossians 3.5), is idolatry.
Democracy then, too, is idolatry.
in scripture is the word usury used or
defined as meaning an excessive amount
of interest. In
scripture any interest is usury. They
are the same thing. Anybody who says
any different so far as what the
scripture says is blowing smoke
In the parable
of the talents (Matthew 25.14-30 also
Luke 19.12-27) Christ is speaking of
himself (Reference Mark 13.34) when he
says; "For the kingdom of heaven is as
a man traveling into a far country,
who called his servants, and delivered
unto them his goods." Later, when one
of those servants came to his Lord and
told him that he knew him to be a hard
man, taking up where he laid not down,
and reaping where he had not sown
(Luke 19.20-21), he was speaking, then
of Jesus. Jesus agreed with him,
saying (Luke 19.22-23), "Out of thine
own mouth will I judge thee, thou
wicked and slothful servant. Thou
knewest that I was an austere man,
taking up that I laid not down and
reaping that I did not sow: Wherefore
then gavest not thou my money into the
bank that at my coming I might have
required mine own with usury?"
In this
parable of the talents, concerning the
work of the Lord, the servant accused
Jesus of reaping where he had not
sown. Jesus agreed. Yet, in the
parable of the tares of the field
(Matthew 13.24-30, 37-43), Jesus,
concerning his own work, declared that
he that soweth the good seed is the
Son of man (Jesus himself). The two
parables contradict each other unless
Jesus was being sarcastic when
answering the servant by his own words
in the parable of the talents.
I believe
Luke 19.22-23 should be interpreted
thus; "Out of thine own mouth will I
judge thee, thou wicked and slothful
servant. If you believed me to be a
hard man and yet you feared me as you
say you did, why didn't you put my
money into the bank (now there you
will find hardness) that I might have
required mine own usury?" (He thought
Jesus a hard man, but he did not fear
him.) This parable of the talents,
then, is far from being a
justification for the practice of
usury, but rather a condemnation of
it. Nobody but a gainsayer of
scripture could extract a
justification for usury out of this
Then, if this
parable does not justify the practice
of usury, and if usury is basically
wrong, why is the entire New Testament
silent on the subject except for this
one indirect mention of it in the
parable of the talents?
A good
supposition: It was deliberate on
God's part. God was setting the ground
work even 2000 years ago for the
strong delusion of this day (Or, even
go back as far as the days of Moses in
the Old Testament law) deliberately
baiting gainsayers so that a large
part of the evil of these end times
could manifest
itself in just this way and not be
bothered by "petty" little scriptural
unpleasantries that so many don't want
to be bothered with anyway.
All of the
above commandments apply for the
stranger as well as for an Israelite.
If through usury a brother can no
longer dwell with his brethren, how
can the stranger who God included? The
forbidding the charging of usury to a
poor fellow citizen is also forbidding
the charging of usury to a poor
If scripture
cannot be broken (as Jesus declared
that it cannot) then Leviticus
25.35-37, previously cited, cannot be
broken wherein God said thou shalt not
lend upon usury to a poor brother or
stranger. Then permission here in
Deuteronomy 23.20 must be conditional.
Conditional as in unto a stranger not
poor. I can imagine it were as if some
Israelites came to Moses and asked him
that if a brother wasn't poor could
they lend to him upon usury? And as if
Moses answered and said, "Thou shalt
not lend upon usury to thy brother,
rich or poor, "business" or no
"business", but unto a stranger, not
poor, thou mayest lend upon usury."
Otherwise, scripture is broken.
But one might
say, "You can't just go putting
conditions on scripture like that."
But if the tenor and the whole of
scripture argue for it I believe it is
valid. And besides, if some can place
conditions on verses such as where it
says in the verse just above in Deut.
23.19, "Thou shalt not lend upon usury
thy brother." and condition it to mean
poor brother or, "but this is
business!", why can't I reject their
condition and put one on the next
verse where it is truly proper?
Putting a condition on Deut. 23.19
insisting that brother there means poor
brother is a judgment motivated by
filthy lucre and/or a desire for
convenient conformity.
conclusion, then, I believe is that it
is unlawful, it is not right in God's
eyes, to lend upon usury to a person
of one's own nation, be that person
rich or poor, and it is unlawful, it
is wrong in God's eyes, to lend upon
usury to any poor person, regardless
of what nation they are from. One
might also seriously consider whether
the forbidding of lending upon usury
unto a person of one's own nation be
he rich or poor, shouldn't also
include any born-again believer in
Christ regardless of what nation they
are from for Ephesians 2.19-20
concerning Gentile believers says,
"Now therefore ye are no longer
strangers and foreigners, but fellow
citizens with the saints, and of the
household of God; And are built upon
the foundation of the apostles and
prophets, Jesus Christ himself being
the chief corner stone."
I also think
it a fair scriptural definition of
poor in God's eyes as being any man
who has not his own land, not fallen
in decay, so that he can support him
and his upon it, nor has such land
without any liens or encumbrances upon
it, nor himself otherwise free of
debt, or hasn't the money to step into
such a situation if he wishes. This
definition I glean from Leviticus
Jesus said that
the interpretation of scripture is
based on two things. Thou shalt love
the Lord thy God with all thy heart,
and all thy soul, and all thy mind,
and all thy strength, and love thy
neighbor as thyself. I believe that my
interpretation on the subject of usury
is based on those two commandments and
to interpret otherwise is to gainsay
scripture. In Ezekiel chapter 18 God
calls usury an abomination.
In the
world today where is not the banker,
the corporate capitalist, and pure
investment stock market?
I believe
that usurers serve a particular devil
called the love of money which Paul
the apostle called the root of all
evil. I believe this particular devil
is the great whore, the city of
Babylon, depicted in the book of
Revelation. I believe that this city
is a literal city and if it is not in
existence right now it soon will be;
and that this particular devil, which
was also in charge of the ancient
Babylon of King Nebuchadnezzar's day,
is in charge of this modern day or
soon to come Babylon.
According to
the book of Revelation this great
whore rules over the beast, which I
believe is the devil behind pagan idol
republic. Where in all the republics
of the world today do the money men,
the usurers, and corporate capitalists
not pull the strings? The tribulation
period depicted in the book of
Revelation has not begun yet, but
surely it can't be too far away. It's
strong delusion is already here.
I confess
here that I who see banking as an
abomination, do have checking
accounts. I don't fault myself for
this. I do not fell that I am unduly
feeding the evil. I choose checking
accounts to try to avoid receiving any
interest. I have one to cash my checks
into, pay my bills, etc.. I have
another to keep separate money I use
for church endeavor. However, I would
not go to the bank to borrow money and
thus justify the usurer.
But what if
(for example) somebody in reading this
literature and agreeing with my view
of usury, has already been to the bank
and borrowed money to buy a house? If
this had been wrong how should one
right that wrong?
I would
reason and advise this way: If one
were to sell the house the probability
would be that whoever bought it would
have to borrow money from the bank-man
to do it and the evil of unduly
feeding the practice of usury would
hardly be lessened. So at that point I
would advise one to let their house purchase ride
as it is. However, if you ever do come
to sell the house, do not go and buy
another house if you have to borrow
upon usury to do so.
When God brought the children of
Israel up into the promised land
he gave to every male 20 years old and
upward (such as was able to go to war)
a land inheritance. Concerning that
inheritance God said it was theirs
forever. If they should sell the land
it would not be sold forever but they
could redeem it at any time. And if
they did not redeem it, or could not,
it would still go back to them at the
end of every fifty years in the year
of jubilee. Thus God planted them in
the land and gave them this law of
their inheritance to prevent the very
evil of having their land taken away
from them.
Also, the
price that God said they were to
charge for the "lease" or selling of
their land for up to 50 years was to
be according to the fruit that the
land could yield and, fair to suppose,
its natural resources (Leviticus
25.15-17). Reading Leviticus chapter
27 verses 16-18 I believe God even set
a standard as to what that price
should be. I believe that value was
based on the idea that the owner
should be compensated for God's
contribution in the yield of that land
(the rain, the sunshine, the ground
itself, or the natural resources of
it) for all the years it was sold away
for but did not include the labor that
a man would have to put into it to
realize the fruits of that land. So
the owner was not to be charging the
buyer for any man's labor the owner
was not putting in. If he sold the
land for more than God's contribution
in the yield of that land then he
would in effect be putting forth his
land upon usury, which I believe God
forbade by his laws on usury. No
leasing for profit was intended.
leasing or renting of land, houses, or
apartments has nothing to do with this
line of reasoning or limiting of
prices but rather makes a regular
business out of putting forth goods
for increase, which is usury.
If I had two
houses and I lent one to somebody I
could charge that person for things
like wear and tear and to cover for
property taxes without being a usurer.
I'm not making any profit on it and
not trying to. But the moment I lend
something to somebody to try and make
a profit off of it that's usury.
I believe
that rent, like banking, constitutes a
significant, a major cornerstone of
the economy of this country and, I
imagine, of virtually every country in
the world today. It's sad that usury
(here in the form of rent) which is
abomination in the eyes of God
(Ezekiel Ch. 18) is the motivation
behind high density building. High
density living makes people all the
more dependent upon the system and
less independent. It creates huge
skyscrapers and high density
populations with accompanying traffic
congestions. But the world calls that
kind of stuff progress.
And every
step along the line from the factory
and the farm to the consumer the rent
man is there adding his price into the
cost of living while doing something
which I believe in the eyes of God is
I'm not
saying this to encourage people to not
pay rent or in renting to make trouble
for the rent man trying to "get even".
Neither am I saying this to encourage
anyone to be nasty or rude to any rent
I'm saying
all this because I believe it is
important to know what the right of
things is in God's eyes. What I
believe to be God's view. If I am
right on this view of rent, and I
believe I am, and I would walk upright
before God, then it is important that
I do not charge rent to anybody nor
approve of any who do; that I do not
thus throw in my mite to feed evil
that oppresses and cheats man in his
life and in his soul. The rent man is
being covetous. Paul the apostle wrote
in 1 Cor.5.11, "But now have I written
unto you not to keep company, if any
man that is called a brother be a
fornicator, or covetous, or an
idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard,
or an extortioner; with such a one no
not to eat." Lest one should justify
the wicked.
Does this
seem hard? And yet, every soul shall
give account before God for their
actions in their lifetime. When Christ
came preaching the Gospel he first
said repent. He was serious.
I confess
here, that I who think rent is
abomination and do not charge anybody
any rent do indeed pay rent. I don't
fault myself for this. I can either
pay rent or try to live on the street.
So I pay rent.
that the root of Sodom and Gomorrah in
any society is when, through
conformity to dressed up evil, the
supposedly good people in it sell away
the truth and the right; in order to
have their wife, and children, and
life. It keys of that very thing.
Though unrelenting oppression provoke
it, it is this hypocrisy that gives it
the green light. For many are content
if they can believe that they are as
good as a hypocrite, even though
Christ said our righteousness must
exceed this. Perhaps in judgment that very
Sodom and Gomorrah will come knocking
at the doors of the "good" people and
how will such be able to stand except
they repent and get things right?
Obsessions with professions is adding
sin to sin. The first sin is that it
is not every man their vine and every
man their fig as God would have it to
be. (Micah 4.1-4) "But in the last
days it shall come to pass, that the
mountain of the house of the Lord
shall be established in the top of the
mountains, and it shall be exalted
above the hills; and people shall flow
unto it.
And many
nations shall come, and say, Come, and
let us go up to the mountain of the
Lord, and to the house of the God of
Jacob; and he will teach us of his
ways, and we will walk in his paths:
for the law shall go forth of Zion,
and the word of the Lord from
And he shall
judge among many people, and rebuke
strong nations afar off; and they
shall beat their swords into
plowshares, and their spears into
pruning hooks: and nation shall not
lift up a sword against nation,
neither shall they learn war anymore.
But they
shall sit every man under his vine and
under his fig tree; and none shall
make them afraid: for the mouth of the
Lord of hosts hath spoken it."
The second
sin is that a man should go out of his
way seeking a special skill, or trade,
or profession to make up for this.
Jesus said, "Seek ye first the kingdom
of God and his righteousness, and all
these things (worldly needs) shall be
added unto you. Sufficient unto the
day is the evil thereof."
At what point
has a man gone out of his way to
obtain a skill, or a trade, or
profession? At the point where he
conforms to evil in order to obtain
it. It is that very conformity that
will prove a man's undoing and his
skill, trade, or profession wont avail
him any in judgment before God. Though
a skill, or trade, or a profession
might be wonderful things if you can
obtain them as you go, consider that
Jesus has said that which is highly
esteemed with men is abomination in
the sight of God.
To value
yourself or somebody else for what you
or they are this world wise is a
mistake. To say, "This is what makes
you a person, this is what makes you
count and worthy of life." is exactly
opposite to the teachings of scripture
and it is sin. To value someone for
what they know this world wise is not
to value him for what he is before God
and that is what counts or ought to
To value a
man for what he knows this world wise
is to lift your heart up in pride and
presumption. To go out of your way to
seek a profession is filthy lucre. And
that is what obsessions with
professions is all about. Pride,
presumption, and filthy lucre.
I suppose
most people would agree that every
person is entitled to a certain degree
of honor and in work in work even a
certain minimum wage. But I think that
what many might consider a fair
minimum degree of honor and wage God
would consider a sad, sad tragedy.
After all, too fair a minimum degree
of honor and too fair a minimum wage
would not be good for some folks pride
or pocketbooks.
I also
believe that it is any employer's duty
to be willing to train anybody the
employer might hire through the
general public. Since in a just
society the men of a nation would have
their own land inheritance, and since
this is not the law of any land today,
the least a business can do is be
willing dto train anybody he might
hire. I see this as a duty; a moral, a
social obligation. I believe this even
to an extreme. For example; if an
employer needed a nuclear physicist to
work in his laboratory he should be
willing to train someone even if
that someone didn't know how to read
and write. Put applicants names in a
hat and pull one out. If he can't
afford to hire in this fashion then
don't hire.
One might say that's ridiculous. But
really it only shows how businesses
and the world have come to trust in
science and technology as well as
worldly skills, trades, or abilities.
These are among their gods. As for
God's justice you'd think they never
had a clue, nor cared to. Justice goes
begging. But the scripture says that
as ye sow so shall ye reap. And I
believe that when a man dies he goes
to the gods he has served all his
lifetime long. Even if they are found
out to be devils. If one is born-again
saved one will get to heaven. But,
according to 1 Corinthians chapter 3,
it may be as it were by fire.
wonder if any country today were to do
with its people the way God did with
his people when he brought them into
Canaan land and divided the land
according to their tribes by lot, to
the greater number a greater portion,
to the lesser number a lesser portion,
that they all might have equally, what
that would come out to per acre to
each man and his family? And if he
ever sold his land he could come back
to it whenever he could redeem the
price. Or, if not, then in the 50th
year of jubilee it would go back to
him regardless. I reckon there would
be few, if any, big businesses based
on relatively large land holdings such
as large modern day farms, or large
oil companies, or banks, or railroad
companies, or even chain-stores.
How, then,
can big businesses that could hardly
operate without relatively large land
holdings not be a sign of an unjust
society? God's economic law, his
economic justice, starts with every
man their vine and every man their fig
(Micah 4.4). Any economic law that is
not based on this first law of
economic justice is a cut-throat law.
Accordingly, the truth is that the
bank-man's law and the rent-man's law
is a law of cut-throat; not of God,
but of the devil.
True justice
lies in one direction and one
direction only. It lies in God's Old
Testament law fulfilled in Christ. It
was made to fit this world and
everything in it for all time. True
justice lies in establishing that Old
Testament law, fulfilled in Christ, in
your heart, in your life, and in your
community as much as possible, as much
as needful; even though the ceremonial
portions of the law (circumcision,
clean and unclean, animal sacrifices,
and strict observance of holy days)
have been set aside until Christ
In a just
society the citizens of a country are
supposed to be as brethren with just
laws that reflect that unity. Unity
based upon Christ, not upon idolatry.
And again, on the economic level that
justice starts with every man their
vine and every man their fig. To see
it any other way is to dress up evil
and justify
it. It is one thing to suffer or to
try to suffer evil. It is another to
do it, or embrace it, to try to
justify it. Jesus said, "Repent! and
believe the Gospel." Convenient or
not, it is the only way to eternal
Consider the chain stores; how they
permeate today and how they put the
little guy right out of business. I'm
not saying the little guy has been so
wonderful and virtuous or been much
better in his ways than others. Yet,
still, could the chain stores exist
today if they could
not multiply the advantage of low
wages and exclusive prices from
manufacturers for bulk purchases? And,
of course, the usurer is right there
to lend them any money they need to
operate, the expense of which they
pass on to the customer.
A chain store
corporation hires low wage employees
in bulk to give them advantage over
smaller businesses. One man hiring
many employees at low wage compared to
one man hiring one or two at low wage
for an equal amount of work per
employee gets to keep that much more
profit for himself and to lower his
prices with. So, an unfair wage
becomes an even greater advantage to a
chain store.
Also, I
believe that no matter how
manufacturers justify doing it, when
they give exclusive prices to bulk
purchasers they are catering to the
rich which is the equivalent of an
unjust balance which thing the Lord
God hates. If through an increase in
sales volume a manufacturer can afford
to lower his prices then those lower
prices should be for all purchasers.
If the only
time an employer was allowed to pay an
unfair low wage to employees was if
the employer himself was only making
that much, if manufacturers were not
allowed to give special prices for
bulk purchases, and if lending upon
usury were not allowed chain stores
would not have a leg left to stand on.
How greatly these things allowed shape
the world around us today and effect
our daily lives. And being wrong, not
for the better but for the worse.
Justice, true justice, is better than
all the good things the evil claims to
I shop at
chain stores. For many things it seems
that is about all there is left. Also,
I have expenses to meet every month
and my income has to cover them. I
have to watch my spending and I
usually or often times simply cannot
afford to pay considerably more for
some things that a non-chain store
business might have to charge more
for. In the long run it hurts me but
for the sake of the immediate
circumstance I may have to. But, I do
not go rushing to manufacturers to get
special prices for bulk purchasing so
I can get an edge over the next guy. I
do not go to the bank man to borrow
money and thus justify the usurer. And
I hope before God that if I ever did
have a business of my own and had
employees that I would pay them a
truly fair wage, unlesss anything less
than that was all that I was making
myself, too. And if on that basis I
could not stay in business then it
were better to go out of business.
I believe that the mighty evils that
so beset and permeate human souls
today are so strong, not just because
of the evil of the leadership of this
day, be it in government, or business,
or church, but also because of every
John and Jane Doe who have added their
mites, their justification, through
words or acts
throughout their lifetimes. I believe
that God is coming back soon and
bringing his judgment with him, not to
keep mankind from destroying itself,
but rather to keep the evil from going
on forever. I believe that the evil
today has grown so strong that no
human force or power can stop it. God
has allowed this because he himself
can and will stop it. But it is still
an upright man's or person's duty to
strive to see the evil for what it is
and not be conformed to it. In any day
or age you could call that repentance.
Everybody wants to make a living
and who should grudge that? Yet, how
is so very important. Jesus said,
"Seek ye first the the kingdom of God,
and his righteousness, and all these
things shall be added unto you."
For a
long time now I have been persuaded
that if corporate America couldn't lie
they wouldn't have any moves left. And
that for 10 cents they would sell
their own mothers and have. I think
that about says it all in a nutshell.
I believe there are three basic
kinds of evil:
God-hate (that is, hating God),
throat-cut, and the spirit of
I believe that cut-throat is
actually a religion; a dog-eat-dog,
no holds-barred, no rules, or token
rules only, survival-of-the-fittest
religion. The ones who subscribe to
it and justify it, no matter how
much they might dress it up, are
actually worshiping the Devil who is
the father of it. I suspect that the
beast of the book of Revelation is
the devil that is behind pagan idol
republic. I suspect that when the
world worships the red dragon
(Satan) who gives the beast his
powers that he will be worshiped as
the god of survival. Maybe not in
actual spelled-out words but in the
inner thoughts of the worshipers.
A just
government would stop, or attempt to
stop, and never condone, cut-throat
religion right at the lines where it
walks. But this government is
content to sanctify and justify the
evil (i.e. banking, rent for profit,
and wage oppression), to do the evil
itself (i.e. property taxes which is
the government playing pure rent for
profit with people's "own"
property), and then go around and
play patch-up on all the victims
of that evil. They run a sharp
business. They even threaten much
these days to fore go appearances
and do away with their patch-up
programs, too. And to some degree
they have. Of course, devil worship
is idolatry and God don't like it.
God commanded all men everywhere to
repent and believe the Gospel. And
what Christ did he did not do in a
corner. There are no cloaks and veils
for unbelief: not age (within reason),
not gender, not circumstance, not even
government. Jesus Christ took them all
away. Surely, then, unrepentance and unbelief are sin
against God's commandment and
therefore evil.
I believe
that a government that does not
recognize Jesus Christ as the only
Savior of man's soul and as the
only way to come unto God, the Father,
cannot be a just government. Lip
service only don't count.
Jesus Christ
came into the world through the door
of Old Testament scripture. He was the
Son of God and he came to give eternal
life to anyone who would receive it of
him. On one level he came as a
descendant of David and heir to the
Jewish throne. But the Jewish
leadership of that day feared Jesus
and managed to get him crucified.
Though many Jews received Christ as
their Messiah, many of them rejected
him. The scripture says that therefore
the apostles turned also to the
Gentiles and preached the Gospel to
them as well. No man is right in
turning away from God who made the
world and everything in it and reject
his commandment for all men to repent
and believe his Gospel. One can do so
but the consequences are judgment with
God. Yet, every individual has the
power to decide for his or her own
If you have
sincerely repented of any sin in your
life and believed on the Lord Jesus
Christ according to the scripture,
then I have no doubt God has touched
you with his salvation and sealed your
soul with that promise of eternal
If, however,
you are not sure, ask him to save you
now, just in case, and continue to do
so until, sooner or later, you are
sure about it.
If you in
your lifetime have not received that salvation you can and by it
live with God forever. Though you one
day die in the flesh, God will raise
you up. Jesus said, "Ask and ye shall
receive, knock and it shall be opened
unto you, seek and ye shall find." Ask
him with an open heart and he will
give that gift to you. There is no
greater gift.
The solution I would offer I would
offer is not so much for the world,
nor so much for this country, but
rather for God's people and those who
would be God's people; for the
born-again church of God that wants to
walk in uprightness before him.
The solution
is that you trust not in this world's
wisdom but in God, in his wisdom, and
in his righteousness. The solution is
to pray to God, for his wisdom, and
for his virtue in your life. Trust not
in idols or false props but trust in
God and his righteousness. Lay
everything before God in prayer. In
all thy ways acknowledge him and he
shall direct thy paths (Proverbs 3.6)
Say, "Here is my heart Lord. Here are
my thoughts and desires. Tell me Lord
what to do with them. Show me, teach
me Lord what to think, to do, to feel,
how I should be. Help me to rest in
thee, to trust in thee. For my soul
first I pray Lord, and then for thy
wisdom, and then for my life. Make a
way for me Lord. But whatever that way
may be let my walk be acceptable
before thee. Let me not have to be too
greatly ashamed when I stand before
thee in judgment. Let me have hope
before thee. Whether the days before
me bring blessing or affliction help
me to live them or bear them
acceptably before thee."
If this
prayer is with sincerity one can't
help but to be on the way towards
solution. For as Jesus said, "If we,
being evil, know how to give good
things unto our children, how much
more so will the Heavenly Father give
good things unto those who ask?" Pray
and seek ye first the Kingdom of God
and his righteousness.
What is a
work of grace? By mercy and truth
iniquity is purged (Proverbs 16.6).
Let God's grace work in you. Let God
reign in your heart.
I believe
that Jesus is coming back soon. The
whole tenor of scripture argues for
six thousand years of history, then a
thousand year reign of Christ, and
then a new heaven and a new earth. It
has been approximately six thousands
years since Adam. Christ is due to
come back soon. And he is coming for a
church. He is not coming back for a
church steeped in the dressed up evil
of this day but for a church walking a
whole lot more upright than that. The
Bible says that judgment must begin at
the house of God. He is coming back
for a purged church and so a purged
church there will be. For Christ said
that he would build his church and the
gates of hell would not prevail
against it. I believe it will be a
church of the ark of salvation and
John the
Baptist said that Jesus would
thoroughly purge his floor. In one of
his parables Jesus said he would let
the tares and the wheat grow together
until the time of the harvest. The
harvest being the end of the world,
the wheat being the children of God's
kingdom, and the tares being the
children of the wicked one. The tares
will be gathered first into bundles to
be burned but the wheat into his barn.
The cords with which the wicked are
bound is the dressed up evil of this
day. The barn? Who knows?
I only know
that Jesus said he would build his
church and the gates of hell won't
prevail against it. A purge church
walking in sincerity and truth, with
an unfeigned humility, worth coming
back for; whether it exists within the
bounds of this system or perhaps comes
to exist as separate entities with
distinct geographic boundaries. I
don't see any guarantees this world
wise for myself or any individual
believer (at least not until the angel
puts the mark of God upon the
foreheads of his purged church at the
beginning of the sixth seal) but for
his church, as a whole, I do. The
Bible says to neglect not to gather
together. It also implies that we
should not come together for evil but
rather depart from iniquity. It also
says let every man work out his own
salvation. Better not to gather than
to come together for evil. Gather then
in truth and righteousness founded
upon Christ or don't gather at all.
this endeavor, this Christ's Church of
the Ark, I am not saying I am perfect;
It is a matter of degrees. But I truly
believe that essentially I am correct.
That not only am I right about
salvation and nonconformity; the
issues, ideas, and values mentioned in
this literature;
but that also they are important
things, not small stuff.
should be a pulpit saying so. This is
that pulpit. Because it is right and
it is important. And God is not coming
back for a church steeped in the
dressed up evil of this day. The
scripture says that yet once more God
will shake the earth (Haggai 2.6,7).
And he will shake up his people. He
will not suffer them to go on
worshiping and serving devils. I
believe the only church that will
survive God's purging will be a church
of salvation and nonconformity.